If you’ve got sciatica, it’s important to exclude serious pathology before pursuing a home-based exercise program. Give us a call on 586-725-3100 to discuss your case via the phone with one of our doctors. Also, review our sciatica articles for reference, “Surgey for Sciatica?” and “Leg Pain and Numbness – how to treat.”
Here are some home-based exercises you can do:

Building core muscle strength
Regular core strength exercises are crucial to preventing and minimizing sciatic pain episodes. A yoga program is great for this.
Improving hamstring flexibility
Tight hamstrings create stress and strain in the lower back, which can promote sciatic-type symptoms.
Aerobic exercises
General fitness, blood flow and exercise-induced release of pain-killing endorphins is helpful in the overall management of pain.
Pelvic tilt
This exercise mobilizes the lower back. (See image above)
Sloppy push ups
This exercise influences the mechanics of the back in a way that offloads pressure from the spinal nerves, thus potentially reducing sciatic pain.

Straight leg raise
This exercise stretches the hamstrings, and loosens the sciatic nerve in its sheath.