You’re here because you may have previously been diagnosed with piriformis syndrome or you have symptoms of piriformis syndrome. Either way, here’s a few pointers on how to self-manage piriformis syndrome.

Symptoms of piriformis syndrome:

  • Pain in the buttock
  • Pain down the leg
  • Pins and needles or numbness in the leg and/or feet

Causes of piriformis syndrome:

  • Compression of the sciatic nerve as it passes through the piriformis muscle in the pelvis
  • Swelling or irritation of the piriformis muscle adjacent to the sciatic nerve

Self-treatment options for piriformis syndrome:



Do the following stretches (either seated or lying for 90 seconds at a time):

Piriformis Syndrome | Hampton Chiropractic & Massage
Seated figure-4
Osteopathy and Physio Exercise for Piriformis syndrome | Osteopathy in  Hatfield
Lying figure-4

Ice Packs and Ice Massage

Apply ice to the painful areas for 20mins. Preferably, lie on your stomach and get someone to massage the painful area with a large ice block for 8-10mins at a time.


Some medications like ibuprofen or naproxen, may help decrease inflammation in the affected area. Check with your doctor before taking medication for this condition.

Other treatment options

Chiropractic care to improve pelvic and spinal mechanics and release piriformis muscle tension

Physical therapy to rehabilitate the muscle and supportive core musculature.

Piriformis injection – either steroid or botox. Speak to your family doctor about this.

Call us at 586-725-3100 to discuss further, or book online at