Have you ever considered the importance of sleep in managing back pain?
Back pain is a complex problem involving mechanical (joint & movement), chemical (inflammation) and psychological (stress, anxiety) factors.
“Sleep that is restorative for the body requires time spent in the deep non-REM and REM stages of the sleep cycle. As the individual occupies these phases in the night, chemical properties that replenish and repair the body are activated,” writes Stefano Sinicropi, MD.
Here are several practical steps to ensure you get good restorative sleep while suffering from back pain:
Get a supportive mattress
Old and saggy mattresses are notorious for producing back pain. A firmer mattress is generally recommended for back pain management and prevention.
Loosen back muscles before sleep
Depending on the cause of your pain, Yoga-type stretches can be helpful, application of heat, an evening walk and standard stretches can help. Generally, you should not go to bed stiff and tight.
Get in the right headspace
Mindfulness and/or meditation has helped many people manage their sleep better, and correspondingly manage pain. Apps like Headspace are popular for this.
Sleep on your side with a pillow between the legs
This is a typically helpful position, and is worth a try!
Add white noise or soothing sounds to your bedroom
This helps to distract the brain from focusing on the symptoms of back pain.