Ice cold leg? Can’t feel your toes? Strange skin sensation in your legs? Tingling, numbness or weakness?
In addition to pain, these are common symptoms that people experience in the legs and buttocks. Here are some of the possible reasons for these symptoms. As always, speak to your doctor, or one of our doctors if you have any of the above symptoms. Tel: 586-725-3100
COMMON CAUSES (mostly treatable with conservative care – chiropractic & physical therapy)
Compression or irritation of spinal nerves. Inflamed or compressed nerves in the lumbar spine or sacrum cause what is commonly known as sciatica.
Narrowing of the spinal canal. This is often wear-and-tear related, and mostly does not need surgery.
Mechanical & muscular pelvic and hip problems. Common joint restrictions, inflammation and dysfunction of the joints causes pain in the buttock and legs. A common condition causing nerve irritation is called piriformis syndrome, and causes pain down the leg.
LESS COMMON CAUSES (consult with your family doctor)
Infection. Bone or disc infections, herpes zoster and other infections can cause these symptoms.
Systemic conditions. Diabetes and hperthyroidism can cause leg symptoms.
Cauda equina syndrome. This is a medical emergency that causes weakness, numbness and loss of bowel/bladder function. Call 911.
Read more at here
As always, speak to your doctor, or one of our doctors if you have any of the above symptoms. Tel: 586-725-3100