Myth: Back Pain Can Result in Paralysis
Truth: A common misconception is that the spine is a fragile part of the body. On the contrary: the spine is a stable part of human anatomy. Low back pain, and even sciatica, usually resolves over time without complication. Only in extremely rare cases does back pain lead to permanent nerve damage. Spinal fractures (caused usually by injury) or cauda equina syndrome are the two cases one needs emergency care for. Speak to your doctor if you’re worried: 586-725-3100.
Myth: Back Pain Is Always Caused by an Injury
Truth: Accumulated wear and tear, mechanical loading of the spine from repetitive activities like sitting and bending, core muscle weakness and regular inflammation are the main cause of back pain. Speak to your doctor if you’re worried: 586-725-3100.
Sports, conditioning (such as yoga or Pilates), and general physical activity actually prevent spinal injury by protecting the discs and joints from overload.
Myth: Severe Back Pain Indicates a Serious Problem
Truth: The severity of back pain does not necessarily correlate to the severity of the problem. Muscle spasm is notoriously a highly painful experience. One medical textbook even calls a core back pain “the birth pains muscle” because of how severe the pain is when it is in spasm. Inflammation is also highly painful, and nerves in the back irritated by inflammation are exquisitely sensitive. Speak to your doctor if you’re worried: 586-725-3100.